Welcome to our Support Center

Reporting Inappropriate Content

If you come across any inappropriate content on our polyamorous dating app, you can report it to our moderation team. Here’s how to do it on the computer and on the app:

From the computer:

  1. Click on the photo containing the inappropriate content.
  2. On the bottom of the photo, you’ll see a symbol to report the inappropriate content.
  3. Click on the symbol and follow the prompts to report the content.

From the app:

  1. Click on the photo containing the inappropriate content.
  2. On the top right corner of the screen, you’ll see an option to report the profile.
  3. Click on the option and follow the prompts to report the content.

Remember that reporting inappropriate content helps us maintain a safe and respectful environment for all our users. Thank you for helping us keep our community healthy and positive!
